wow, unbelievable, it's been almost a year i din visit my blog.
thanks for a friend, she approached me oneday:"hey, i am reading your blog, very gao siu."..
thanks her for reminding, my blog, a deserted blog, a abondoned blog. and today, i am BACK~~~~(thanks to my plan-less weekend.)
Reviewing my last post, yes, i do admit, blogging does release myself sometimes, when i am *shy* to share my sadness, when i am moodless to tell my problem, this the only channel that i can throw out my thoughtssss. (no wonder i dun have thought now, no brain).
The past is the past, reading back the last post, yes, i have overcome it and i am survived! No one can predict or forsee the future, to assure the unpredictable front, is work hard from now!! (say only, my words have no credit!LOL)
Sometimes, it is a good thing to be absent minder, or even, a selective absent minder, which u choose to remember the merry, throw away the upset past, and i claim myself a pass follower. Again. forgetful doesn't mean negative or bad, turn a view, look a diffrent, it means GOOD though. But, absent minded in my job does occur lots of
Recently, got inspired by a quote from friend, (copyright unsure) - fortune favours the persistent...GOOD one, yes, if i insist, if i believe, if i trust the end of the day, SUCCESS is with me...