Wednesday, 21 October 2009


我天生表达能力就不是很好, 我不喜欢把话说到很明.
每当我把要说的说完了, 我真的不懂他们是不是真的了解,
我问, 他们说懂..结果, 货不对版...
我说完, 他们点头, 没有疑问, 就走了...
如果有一个仙丹, 只要我讲一句, 他们全都受到, 那有多好..

Sunday, 18 October 2009


最近天气很糟, 生病了, 一点都不意外.
只不过, 令我担心的是, 身体明显比以前弱了很多, 很多...
我看, 是时候做个全身检查, 因为会呼吸的痛, 不是开玩笑的..
(希望财多啦, 不然我很不平衡, 人家都说财多身子弱.....哈!)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Can i deserve a moment of compliment?

This is the conversation that i had with my college mate. From here, it's well present the real life version of "小时了了,大未必佳"...

This is not the first example, when i uploaded this display pic, i am pretty sure most of the people will remain skeptical on it, me though. Let me to clarify one thing my friend, cute isn't mean pretty and vise verse. hahahaha

Monday, 12 October 2009


最近沉迷于非死不可的咖啡厅里...定时定后会call人.."喂, 我的鸡熟了..帮我serve..!"

最近的话题, 一定离不开cafe world, 锁着目标向前冲, 誓要在我的排行榜上排no.1..如果工作有那么的认真, 升职加薪一定不是问题..

最近的头脑也很不好, 记性超差, 明明order了这个东西, 转个头来, 忘光光了...明明记得要call client, facebook 回来, 忘光光了.

最近的运动细胞也很不活跃. 星期六的羽毛球. kaki不得空, 我也难的去找其它代替..宁愿呆在家里睡觉. 爬山涉水, 有就去, 没有就不理...

最近工作量也蛮多, 三不五时要加班, 或半夜三更爬上来赶我未完成的proposal. 有一种错觉, 感觉office 才是自己的家...

最近的健康也很差, 咳了两个月, 还是在咳, 看了三次医生, 花了RM150, 来来去去都是那句, "回去定时吃药, 三天后还咳, 到回来给我看"...或"还是再咳, 去照x-ray"....妈的!!

最近很少和家人聊天, 妹妹的近况我完全不懂, 他们工作了两个星期, 我才懂原来她们不是呆在家里...

最近, 应该是时候restructure我的生活..不要再一蹋糊涂了......

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh i realized
It's hard to take courage

In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it
And the darkness, inside you
Makes you feel so small

But i see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why i love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Just show your true colors
True colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then
Don't be unhappy can't remember
When i last saw you laughing

If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
Because you know i'll be there
Dedicate to those who are lost, down, uncertain....
Let's show your TRUE COLORS, because they are beautiful like a rainbow.
Let's anticipating a better tomorrow...