Sunday, 20 September 2009


人与人之间, 少了联络, 逐渐就会生疏
将来的某一天, 大家都会分开, 为自己的事业, 家庭打拼
直到再相会的那一天, 你会发现

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Black and White

"walau, siber dark!", My first reaction when i log in to this darky blog after a year.

Nearly impossible for me to retrieve my mind in past 2 years, why i would choose black as the background color, hmm....(still thinking, perhaps black is the color of year 2007)....

From now on, white is my most favourite color, it represents pure, clean, fresh, innocent, charmy, and friendly. (Because it can be matched with any colours)

This blog is experiencing the transform that MJ had, from black to white...easy

Saturday, 12 September 2009

I am Back

wow, unbelievable, it's been almost a year i din visit my blog.
thanks for a friend, she approached me oneday:"hey, i am reading your blog, very gao siu."..
thanks her for reminding, my blog, a deserted blog, a abondoned blog. and today, i am BACK~~~~(thanks to my plan-less weekend.)

Reviewing my last post, yes, i do admit, blogging does release myself sometimes, when i am *shy* to share my sadness, when i am moodless to tell my problem, this the only channel that i can throw out my thoughtssss. (no wonder i dun have thought now, no brain).

The past is the past, reading back the last post, yes, i have overcome it and i am survived! No one can predict or forsee the future, to assure the unpredictable front, is work hard from now!! (say only, my words have no credit!LOL)

Sometimes, it is a good thing to be absent minder, or even, a selective absent minder, which u choose to remember the merry, throw away the upset past, and i claim myself a pass follower. Again. forgetful doesn't mean negative or bad, turn a view, look a diffrent, it means GOOD though. But, absent minded in my job does occur lots of

Recently, got inspired by a quote from friend, (copyright unsure) - fortune favours the persistent...GOOD one, yes, if i insist, if i believe, if i trust the end of the day, SUCCESS is with me...